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Tonerider Octane Bridge Black F-Spaced

Tonerider Octane Bridge Black F-Spaced

Octane Bridge black, F-spaced 52.4 mm.

The Octane delivers more aggressive, tighter lead lines and focused power chords.

Built using a custom Alnico 8 magnet, Octanes are warmer than ceramic magnet pickups, and allow for amazing harmonic complexity at high gain settings.

All Octane pickups are fully wax potted to avoid microphonic feedback, and come with supplied with #3/48 screws, springs and an installation guide.

Position: Bridge
: DC Resistance: 12,7k

Color: Black
Magnets: Alnico 8 bar
Features: Four-conductor wiring as standard.


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Tonerider Octane Bridge Black F-Spaced Tonerider Octane Bridge Black F-Spaced    
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