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Tonerider Generator Bridge Aged Nickel

Tonerider Generator Bridge Aged Nickel

Generator bridge pickup, aged nickel.
The Generator set delivers a high output Alnico 5 punch for rock and metal styles. A full-blooded, harmonically rich neck pickup delivers rock and blues tones with power to spare, while the high-output bridge pickup can take you from bluesy rock to screaming solos. Rolling off the volume knob reveals great, useable, clean tones.

All Generator models are fully wax potted to avoid microphonic feedback, and come with supplied with #3/48 screws, springs and an installation guide.  Four conductor wiring as standard on all models.

Position: Bridge
: DC Resistance: 15,7k
Color: Aged nickel/silver covers.

Magnets: Alnico V


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Tonerider Generator Bridge Aged Nickel Tonerider Generator Bridge Aged Nickel    
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