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Lundgren Smooth Operator

Lundgren Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator is a humbucker with a true vintagecharacter. This pickup has medium output, the treble is warmer compared with the standard vintage model. The midrange is full and literally dripping of tone ready to jump into your amp. The Smooth Operator is built around an Alnico 2 magnet of the vintage correct " PAF-lenght" of 63,5 mm. Since Alnico 2 has a softer magnetic field than the more frequenly used Alnico 5, it lets your strings vibrate more freely and you will get more sustain. It is wound with the darkbrown Plain Enamel wire for right sound and look.(not shown in picture) The overall tone is smoother with less sharp edges and your instruments natural wooden tone shines through. This pickup has been made for some of my most demanding customers for some time. Now it can be made for you as bridge or neck model, or as a calibrated set of two.

Lundgren Smooth Operator      
Quantity: Temporary out of stock
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