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Pickguard For Fender® 1978 Musicmaster Bass®
Pickguard For Fender® 1978 Musicmaster Bass®
PG SG Custom 3PLY Black USA
PG SG Custom 3PLY Black USA
Lundgren Baseplate Strat
Lundgren Baseplate Strat

Lundgren Vertigo Bridge

Lundgren Vertigo Bridge

This pickup is based on a Pickup from 1952. I have copied a real 1952 Telecaster/Broadcaster. I have used the same type of magnets and the same magnetwire. Brown plain enamel. The result is very alike. The magnets are postwar without cobolt. Alni 3. I use thicker magnets exactly like it was 1950-1954. They have a bigger amount of iron which increase the inductance and a punchy middle appears. It has enough twang but is not as sharp as many modern teles. It has a woody professional sound. The DC recistance is approx. 6,8 K. This is my new favoritemodel. (The picture shows a Vintage 7,3 with polysolwire.)

Lundgren Vertigo Bridge      
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